Summer 2025: Online registration
How it works:
For Returning Gan Izzy Families:
use the link above and logon to your account: username: (if you need to reset your password you can reset it online or reply to this email & I will reset it for you)
Under “Registrations” click on Name to Register, or for a new camper click “add a child…”
Select the weeks your child will be attending camp & click “Register”
Confirm/Update “Emergency Contacts”, click next
Confirm/Update “Camper Health History” (You can skip it now & complete it before camp – see directions below#8)
Choose options: Transportation and Horseback Riding Lessons.
Then you will be taken to the cart where you can pay.
Congratulations You Did It!
For first time campers:
First you will need to create an account for your family.
Then you will be able to add your child/ren to the account.
Then choose the weeks you would like your child to attend.
Then you will choose options: Transportation and Horseback Riding Lessons.
Then you will be taken to the health form. (You can skip it, & come back and complete it any time before camp – see directions below#8).
Then you will be taken to the cart where you can pay.
Congratulations You Did It!
What to do with your account: You can keep track of your camp registrations & options, see all your finances & communicate with CGI. For future years you will just log into your account and update any new or changed information.
More Detailed Step by Step Directions & What to Expect:
1) When you logon you click “create an account” on the bottom left.
2) Enter the required information, (you can have one parent or both parents on the account) and go to the bottom & click “Create Account”.
3) You will come to the next page called “My Registrations.” On the bottom, right click “Add a child or parent to my account.”
4) You will come to the next page called “Add a Person.” Enter the required information for your child. Click on the bottom “Save and Register.”
5) You will come to the next page asking you to confirm your child’s grade. Click on the bottom “Save Grade.”
6) You will come to the next page called “Select the weeks your child will be attending camp” and check each week that your child will be attending. Click on the bottom “Register” (ignore the prices on this page, all the discounts will show at checkout).
7) You will come to the next page called “Emergency Contacts.” You need to enter 2 emergency contacts (first & last names, telephone & relationship). Click on the bottom “Next.”
8) You will come to the next page called “Camper Health History.” You can fill this out at a later time before camp by scrolling to the bottom under “Completion Acknowledgement.” Click “No.” Scroll to bottom & click 'Save.'
9) You will come to the next page called “Additional Options.” Choose what transportation option you would like. You can also register for horseback riding lessons & Travel Camp. Click on the bottom “Next.”
10) You will come to the next page called “Your order is not yet complete.” Click on “Proceed to check out.”
(or you can add another child by clicking “Add additional reservations” & follow steps 3-9 for additional children).
11) You will come to the next page called “My Cart.” You will see the weeks that you are registering for. Click on the bottom “Proceed to Payment.”
12) You can choose to Pay in full, or choose a payment plan by clicking on “Other payment options.”
You will have 2 options:
1) Divide the payments monthly through June. Payments will be automatically charged on the 2nd of each month.
2) Pay now $250.00, and make additional payments at your leisure through the beginning of June when the remaining balance will be automatically charged.
We are here to help with any questions you may have or with the Registration portal.
Office: 732.972.3687#2
Mobile: 908.415.0268