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Arrival to Camp 


Whether by car or bus all campers reach camp by 9:00 A.M. and proceed to their group
meeting areas. Attendance is taken at lineup with calisthenics, and the fun is ready to begin.

Start of The Camp Day
At 9:15 A.M. groups proceed to the first of their eight activities. The schedule is varied
throughout each day combining sports and fun activities. See the enclosed sample weekly

Each camper’s schedule has a swimming period. During instructional swim campers are
placed in small groups based on their swimming abilities. In these groups they are instructed
by a Red Cross certified W.S.I. (Water Swimming Instructor), lifeguards and aided by
counselors. Campers also enjoy free swim time, where they can take advantage of and cool
off in our refreshing pool and enjoy poolside activities.

Each day at lunchtime campers are served nutritious lunches enhancing the overall camp
experience while easing some of the burden for you. See below for sample lunch menu!
During lunch you can feel the camp spirit with singing in the air.

In the morning and before each camper leaves Gan Israel for the day, they are given delicious
and nutritious snacks.

The last period ends at 3:30 P.M. and all groups proceed to their meeting areas. They are
given snacks, end of the day announcements and dismissed to their buses which leave camp
at 4:00 P.M. (Friday at 3:00 P.M.)

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